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Awaken + Bloom:

Spring Equinox Day Retreat

at nectar yoga on bowen island
march 17, 2024

Healing happens in processing our ‘Winter’,
but it also happens when we learn to welcome ‘Spring’.

Join Kelsey MacDougall, Somatic Therapist + Clinical Counsellor, with over a decade of experience guiding others along their journeys for a consciously curated day to guide you to connect with a brighter future.

Enrolment Opens Soon!

Let's welcome spring!


Our time together will begin with a slow and gentle tuning in, as we welcome each other and join together in Circle.  This is a space where we will settle into our bodies, learning what it really means to tune into what we need through learning to listen to the subtle, but so important, messages of our body. We will share and reflect in Circle about our Winter season.  Through this process you’ll gain deep insight into your programming and habits, and how to overcome and listen to yourself in more meaningful ways.  


The day continues, interspersed with reflective time in nature with a guided practice, space for self-inquiry, and of course gathering together in Circle to connect and reflect.  Woven within each piece is a focus on our somatic (body-based) experience to deepen our understanding and embodiment of what we explore together.  


Our time continues to evolve into an awakening, as we connect with the energy of Spring.  In this space, we take time to reflect on what this time of renewal can and does mean for us.  With the powerful intention of you and the community in Circle with you we’ll work with various practices to tune into this energy and practice cultivating more of what we desire.  


This will be a space to deeply connect, learn, grow, and tune into yourself. 

Girls Party

"Besides all of the incredible, strong and self-development minded women I met... I love how the group brought us all together to learn both from and beside each other - and share in vulnerability, personal experiences, lessons and strengths."

- Camila,
past circle participant

Three Women

"I feel calmer and more prepared to deal with emotions when they arise, less reactive in personal relationships for sure, and better at self regulating and remembering the importance of self regulating."

- lori,
past circle participant

Join Our Waitlist now!

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